41°01'25" N | 73°35'30" W

RDDA 2016-2017

Welcome to the RDDA 2016-17 Season! Current Racing Results

If you are interested in racing with us, please follow these three steps:

  1. Register online. In order to be scored on a Sunday, you must be registered by noon on the prior Wednesday. However, you are welcome to serve on Race Committee, if you don't meet the deadline. 
  2. Receive an email with your scoring (racing) number from the Score Keeper, if you are sharing a boat. Announce it to the Signal Boat before you race every day and receive an acknowledgement
  3.  Receive RDDA communications by subscribing to our RDDA Yachoo Group. Send an email to [email protected]
  4. Sign-up for Race Committee service for two or three days, or more, regardless of how many days you will be able to race. RC service is a key part of our volunteer culture and is a requirement for qualification. 

Here are the key documents.  Additional information will be posted as it becomes available:

Answers to frequent questions

  • You do not need to be a member of RYC
  • We encourage boat sharing.  Contact your RDDA Co-Chairs, Andy Taylor and Brad Neuberth, if you are interested. 

Reference documents: